First Look at the New College Uniform

First Look at the New College Uniform

At lunchtime on October 30 the playground erupted with cheers and excitement as our Senior girls modelled the brand new uniform for all Mercy Girls to see. The girls walked through the playground to show the new Summer and Winter Junior and Senior Uniforms and the Sports Uniform (including the reversible bucket hat featuring navy on one side and a House colour on the other).

Girls had the chance to see the various features of the uniform including pockets, pleats and so forth and also get a sense of how it looks together with the new Blazer, Jumper and Senior Cardigan.

“Walking through the playground with the girls there really was an undeniable sense of exhilaration and anticipation and to me it says a lot about where we are as a College community. As our 130th year approaches, we are at a place where, anchored in our rich tradition, we are moving forward into the future with confidence, hope and excitement and that was embodied in the excited faces of our girls as they saw the new uniform!” said Principal Stephen Walsh.