From the Principal

Dear families

Last Friday and Saturday we celebrated the double feast in remembrance of those who have died. The saints, family members and friends, the people whom God has brought into heaven are remembered on the Feast Days of All Saints and All Souls.

During this time, we remember the members of our own families who have passed away. For me, this time was even more difficult as it has been only a short while since my father-in-law passed away. Whilst I reflected on the sadness of his loss, it was important to remember the good times we had and the joy and happiness he brought.  I am sure this is the same for you when remembering passed loved ones.

They will always be alive in our hearts and in the way they have affected our lives. We pray for them and remember them with love.

God our Creator and Redeemer, by your power Christ conquered death and returned in glory. We pray that all those we remember with love, who have gone before us in faith, may share in Christ’s victory and enjoy the vision of your glory forever.

Mary, Mother of Mercy and Venerable Catherine McAuley

Pray for us.

Year 7 2020 Parent Information Session and Student Testing 

This Saturday we will welcome 215 new Year 7 students and their parents who are commencing with us in 2020. The students will participate in Allwell testing whilst the parents will have a number of presentations preparing them for life at OLMC. Our last Open Morning Tour for 2020 will be at 9.00am on Wednesday, 20 November. This tour is fully subscribed.

Mercy Scholarships

Mercy Scholarship applications are now open for Year 7 2021. There has been a change in the selection criteria. Only students who have already applied and been accepted at the College will be eligible to sit for the Scholarship Exam. Please go to the enrolments section of our website for further details.

College Masterplan

You should have received from your daughter a brochure outlining the new College Masterplan. If you did not receive one, please have your daughter drop into the Student Centre to collect a copy.

Catherine McAuley Sculpture Unveiling

The unveiling and blessing of our Catherine McAuley Sculpture will take place on Monday, 11 November at 5.30pm in the AMCC. All parents are warmly invited to attend. Please advise if you would like to attend by emailing


Congratulations to Annabelle Ruskin (Year 10) for her selection in the Australian Youth Women’s Futsal Team. Annabelle received a cheque from the P&F to help with expenses. Best wishes in Spain!

Save the dates

13 NovemberMercy Futures event - Theme - Mercy and Kindness
27 NovemberCarols in the Chapel
28 NovemberYear 7 2020 Orientation Day
29 NovemberPublic Speaking Day of Excellence
4 DecemberCelebration of Achievement Evening
4 DecemberMercy Pilgrimage departs
6 DecemberStudents finish
7 DecemberCambodia Immersion Trip departs

God bless


Mr Stephen M Walsh


Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom

As we approach the end of the year, teaching and learning in the HSIE Faculty continues to be a creative practice. Currently, the Year 8 Geography students are engaging in Water Management Strategies by finding innovative ways to represent national policy in this area, with one group even creating an interpretative dance to demonstrate the water cycle!

Year 9 Commerce are still glowing with the success of making a greater amount of money than the teachers in the ASX Share Market Game and are now using part of their fictional funds to plan an overseas holiday. While the majority started planning lavish trips flying first class, they soon found that the challenge of currency rates, accommodation costs and food expenses have resulted in a more modest flight on a budget airline.

Our Year 10 Geography students are studying the Australian Urban Future by examining the migration policy and determining some of the 'pull and push' factors of moving domestically and abroad, whilst our Year 10 Commerce Students are examining the practicalities of the Australian Legal System.

Outside of the classroom space, we have a cross-faculty learning experience planned on Friday, 8 November for our Year 7 students who will be attending Sculptures by the Sea. On their visit, the students will undertake a range of activities that focus on placing the creative art sculptures into an Australian and global context. The College learning goal is for the students to experience the interconnections between the disciplines of Geography, Art and English, in an interactive and imaginative way.

Ms Gillian Carpenter
Leader of HSIE


Design and Creative and Performing Arts Experiences

NIDA Young Actors Studio – 15-18 years Auditions
Sunday, 15 Dec, 2019 10.00am, Sunday, 19 Jan, 2020 10.00am or 2.00pm

NIDA 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington

Develop your vocal, physical and imaginative dexterity as you explore and apply NIDA acting techniques. Collaborate with other young artists in an ensemble to develop skills for stage and screen. Work with the support and direction from core tutors and gain inspiration from industry professionals

Entry to the Young Actors Studio is by audition only. Detailed audition information will be sent via downloadable link within 2 working days of enrolment.

Duende - Diploma Student Art Exhibition at Sydney Art School

Friday, 8 November 2019 6.00-8.00pm, Saturday 9 and Sunday, 10 November 10.00am-3.00pm
63 Hunter Street, Hornsby

The student art exhibition will include drawings, paintings, jewellery, metal art, clay, silver, drypoint, collagraphs, monoprints, Intagilo, relief printing, etchings and watercolour works. Selected artworks will also be for sale.

Whitehouse Institute of Design 2019 Graduate Exhibition and Fashion Runway

Tuesday, 3 December, 6.00-8:30pm

2 Short Street, Surry Hills

Celebrates design thinking, creativity and innovation, showcasing the work of graduating students from across Creative Direction and Styling, Fashion Design and Interior Design disciplines. Buy tickets at

Whitehouse Institute of Design Workshops Registrations

The workshops fall between 16 December 2019 to 31 January 2020

2 Short Street, Surry Hills

A five day and two day 2019/2020 Summer Workshops in Fashion Illustration | Image Styling | Sewing | Interiors Illustration | Design Portfolio Development is now open. Email Bookings go to

Popular Work Experience Opportunities for 2020

Taronga Zoo

Applications are now open for work experience at Taronga Zoo Sydney in 2020. Are you in Year 10-12 and interested in pursuing a career in zookeeping, animal care, tourism or horticulture? Don't miss out on this opportunity to get the experience of a lifetime. You must approach your Careers Adviser to arrange this.

Sydney Trains

Sydney Trains will be offering work experience opportunities in 2020 for students interested in mechanical engineering or electrotechnology apprenticeships. Please check our the website below for further information or contact Rhonda Moore on 0428166359, the Work Experience Coordinator. 


Show more

Public Speaking

Public Speaking Day of Excellence

The highly successful annual all-day public speaking workshop is to be held on Friday, 29 November at the College in the Catherine McAuley rooms. The program is open to all current students as well as Year 6 students enrolled for 2020. Students can learn the skills of public speaking in an enjoyable and welcoming environment and many girls go on to represent the College in competition the following year. OLMC students have tasted success at local, state, national and even international levels but no matter what level students achieve, they all develop the confidence to speak in front of others that is so vital throughout our lives.

The program ensures each student learns how to write and deliver a speech and with the support of teachers, ex-students and current students, they also learn there is nothing to fear about speaking in front of an audience. Everything is supplied including writing materials, a booklet, morning tea and lunch – pizzas of course! Each student receives a participation certificate and the option of entering competitions in 2020.

The response in previous years has been remarkable. Click here to book your daughter’s place. Please feel free to contact me at with any enquiries.

Entries close Monday, 25 November.

Presentation at Assembly

Last week, DAPS leaders Daphne Fong and Lily Tambrchi coordinated a presentation with the eight girls who participated in the Australian Individual Debating and Public Speaking Competition (AIDPSC) and its Junior counterpart, Speakfest. Congratulations to Daphne and Lily and all the girls for a most professional video accompanied by a brief speech by each girl outlining the events that were involved. Daphne and Lily also announced the upcoming Christmas Competition open to students in Year 7, 8 and 9. The theme for this year is 'If I caught Santa at my Christmas tree, I would tell him…'. The competition will be held in the Library at lunchtimes in the last week of November.


The AHIGS Festival of Speech is one of the largest public speaking events on the calendar. Held this year at Meriden College, Strathfield, it encompasses about a dozen different events. OLMC has been involved in the public speaking section for many years and in 2019, our representatives were Bianca Salloman (Year 7) in the Junior section and Anne Nguyen (Year 10) in the Senior division. Both girls were well prepared in their prepared and impromptu sections and though they did not figure in the major placings, were excellent in their delivery. Next year, OLMC’s involvement will expand into several other events, providing a greater opportunity for our girls to shine.

UN Voice

A couple of weeks ago, OLMC hosted UN Voice and we are awaiting the announcement of semi-finalists. Last Monday, Sharanya Kugan (Year 7), who had not been able to compete in the OLMC heat, travelled to Blacktown Girls High to participate in that heat. Sharanya spoke very well on the issue of how to deliver better educational facilities to remote areas. Semi-finalists will be announced in the next week or two. The accompanying photos show all our contestants in both heats as well as the volunteers when we hosted.





Mr Christopher Ostrowski
Public Speaking Coordinator

Mock Mediation

On Thursday, 17 October, the 2019 Mock Mediation Team participated in the Semi-Final of the 2019 Law Society of NSW Competition. Representing OLMC was Kyah Day as Peta, Yasmine Alwakal as Alex, Sarah Chahine as Chris, Coraly Penano as Jamie and Riley Rodewald and Veronica Chacty as the mediators. 

The scenario revolved around the characters Alex, Jamie, Peta and Chris who had been best friends since primary school. Due to the close bond they had, they decided after graduating from university that they would form a partnership to start an advertising agency. In preparation for this, they undertook a series of studies and networked with professionals in their respective fields. The friends drew up a plan to bring their business to fruition. 

Alex’s father was a bank manager and was so impressed with their business plan that he decided to be the guarantor for their business. Chris’s grandparents allowed them to use an office that they owned that had been vacant for some time. Since Alex and Jamie had not yet completed their studies at school, they all agreed that no major decisions would be made unless all members were present. 

The vacant office space was in need of renovations so Peta and Chris went to Bunnings and eventually found an ideal office layout. They both attempted to contact Alex and Chris but after receiving no response they decided to confirm their purchase with the sale representative. The following week Alex and Jamie came to the office to find the carpet being laid. They were furious that a decision as major as the office design was made without their input and made numerous attempts to contact both Peta and Chris. Eventually, Peta and Chris arrived back at the office. Due to miscommunication of the office design, the four friends had an intense argument. This quickly led to a breakdown in the friendship between them and it was suggested they attend mediation by Alex’s father.

During the mediation, the team received confidential facts that offered information about a character that was unknown to the other characters, mediators, judge and the rest of the audience. This required a large degree of communication and problem solving from the girls performing. Confidential facts also revealed that the other party (Peta and Chris) felt that they had been excluded from the business and that Alex and Jamie had lost interest.

Our team received useful feedback on how to grow our understanding of the mediation and we were given a score of 82/100 by the adjudicator. It was a great experience and provided opportunities for problem-solving, conflict resolution skills. We are proud of the exceptional efforts of our team and although the team did not qualify for the Grand Final, all the girls should be proud of progressing to the Semi-Final!

Thank you to Mrs Donnelly and Mrs Roumanus!

Jessica Lin and Brailey Qumi (Year 9)



Student Leaders Visit to State Parliament

On Tuesday, 22 October, the 2019/2020 OLMC Senior Student Leadership Team were invited by the Hon. Dr Geoff Lee Member for Parramatta to NSW Parliament. Parliament staff kindly explained to us the layout of rooms and functions, enabling us to gain a greater understanding of the NSW Parliament in action. We had the opportunity to sit through Question Time, where members of the Opposition asked Government Minister's questions in an attempt to challenge and provoke. 

Following this thought-provoking, and highly entertaining experience, we were invited to afternoon tea alongside Parramatta Marist High School. We had the opportunity to ask questions of Minister Lee. Anya Maclure - Mercy Action Leader asked, 'Minister Lee, what are you doing to counteract the current homeless population in Parramatta?' Mr Lee replied by highlighting his work with community housing and stated that approximately 10% of the Parramatta population live in this housing. Daphne Fong - Debating and Public Speaking Leader asked, 'Minister Lee, I can tell that you hold high regard for young people within your electorate. I recognise that you have invited OLMC and Parramatta Marist here today. You have recognised community groups of young people such as the Cumberland Gang Show, Scouts and schools such as Redeemer Baptist, Parramatta East Public School and many more. However, I want to know what your priorities are as the Minister for Skills and Tertiary education in regard to young people. Many of my peers and I will be voting in the next State election, so why should we vote for you?' Minister Lee replied by exploring his priorities such as housing, job creation, the stigma around attending TAFE, educational opportunities and accessibility in terms of transport.

We would truly like to thank Minister Lee for his invitation as we found it an incredibly informative and educational experience.

Lily Tambrichi and Daphne Fong
Debating and Public Speaking Leaders



Sport Merits

Don’t forget to collect your merits from Mr Guthrie for every co-curricular sport you participate in.

CGSSSA Volleyball

The CGSSSA Volleyball Championships were held at Netball Central on 22 October. OLMC was represented by Isabel Chung, Rachelle Juan, Sofia Polson, Elyssa Haddad, Chanelle Maikhael, Bernadette Grima, Moana Tuala, Sara Taherkhani, Pene Bonovas, Michaela De Leon, Michelle Pribadi, Jaimee Abrahams, Charlotte Carter, Jasmine Bird, Marielle Santos and Alisha Singh. Despite not progressing to the Semi-Finals, the girls had a good day with some close matches, great rallies and excellent teamwork. The senior team exerted their dominance over the juniors in a tough battle at the end of the day. Well done girls.

Thank you to Ms Farrugia for all her help with the teams.   


The CGSSSA Tennis Championships were held at Parramatta Tennis on 31 October. OLMC was represented by Catherine Yue, Sarneet Kalsi and Mila Purkovic. Despite not making the finals the girls all played well and won some great sets. Thank you to Mr Brooks for his help with girls.



CGSSSA Aquathon

The CGSSSA Aquathon was held on Monday, 4 November at Merrylands Pool and Park. OLMC was represented by Olivia Nesci, Emily Shumack, Mia Fogolin, Mikayla Saleh, Mia Cleary, Alannah Moujalli, Sophie Assad, Lucie Francis, Hayden Rodewald, Kyla Jones, Briana Weatherburn, Amelia Harvie, Emily Duque Herrera, Ainslie McNally, Riley McIntosh, Mikeeli Lake, Kyah Day, Olivia Towle, Riley Rodewald, Yasmine Alwakal, Charlotte Carter and Jasmine Bird. It was great to see so many girls competing this year and there were a number of fantastic results with 4 top ten finishers. Congratulations to Lucie Francis and Mia Fogolin who were crowned the Junior Team Champions as well as the OLMC Junior team finishing 3rd overall. Well done to all the girls on their results.

Thank you must go to Mrs Bushell and Ms Sunner for all their help throughout the day.



Saturday Basketball and Volleyball

There have been some great games over the past few weeks. The latest results are as follows:


Week 2

OLMC 1 – defeated by Loreto, 24-14

OLMC 2 – defeated by Monte, 30-23

OLMC 3 – defeated Monte, 24-8

OLMC 4 – defeated MLC, 26-8

Week 3

OLMC 1 – defeated St Scholastica’s, 40-12


OLMC 3 – defeated Santa Sabina, 36-6

OLMC 4 – defeated Monte, 22-20


Week 2

OLMC 1 – defeated Meriden, 3 nil

OLMC 2 – defeated Meriden, 2-1

OLMC 3 – drew with Meriden, 2 all

OLMC 4 – defeated by St Scholastica’s, 2-1

OLMC 5 – defeated by Santa Sabina, 3 nil

OLMC 6 – defeated Santa Sabina, 3-1

OLMC 7 – drew with Monte, 2 all

OLMC 8 – defeated by St Scholastica’s, 3 nil

Week 3

OLMC 1 – defeated by St Scholastica’s 3 nil

OLMC 2 – defeated by MLC, 3-1

OLMC 3 – defeated Loreto, 3 nil

OLMC 4 – defeated by Loreto, 3 nil

OLMC 5 – defeated by St Scholastica’s, 3 nil

OLMC 6 – defeated by Rosebank, 2-1

OLMC 7 – defeated by St Vincent’s, 3 nil

OLMC 8 – defeated Santa Sabina, 3 nil

Please note: Anthony Khoury Photography will be taking action shots of the girls on 16 November.

Wednesday Touch Football

Round 8 games are now complete. There are 2 rounds to go.

Please be aware that Semi-Finals will take place on Wednesday, 27 November for teams who finish in the top 4 in each division.

The Grand Final will be on Friday, 29 November for those teams who win the Semi-Final.

You can view the draw and results here -

Mr Stuart Guthrie
Sport Coordinator



For all students entering Year 10 in 2020, the uniform shop is now taking weekend bookings for fittings.

Appointments are essential, so please book your appointment by clicking here.


School Fees

School fees for Instalment 4 have now been sent to families and are due by Wednesday, 6 November 2019.  Please note, that as Term 4 mostly relates to co-curricular sports and other activities, there may be many families that have no charges for this term and therefore will not receive a Fees Statement.

Payment may be made by Bpay, cheque, money order or by credit card via the Parent Community Portal (Visa or Mastercard)

Any queries regarding fees or payments can be directed to the Finance Office on 8838-1214 weekdays during 8.00am–4.00pm or by email to





Mercy After School Study Hub


MASSH will not operate during Week 8 of Term 4 – 2/12/2019 - 6/12/2019.





The Library will close at 4.00pm on the following dates:

  • Monday 2/12/19
  • Tuesday 3/12/19
  • Wednesday 4/12/19


The library will be closed after school Thursday 5/12/19 and Friday 6/12/19.

Mercy Futures - World Kindness Day Event

Carols in the Chapel

Studio Concert Series

Pene Bonovas

What is your Leadership Portfolio?

Sports Leader

What are the key responsibilities of your Portfolio?

My key responsibilities include running activities at lunchtimes as well as helping Mr Guthrie organise Carnivals.

What is your vision as Leader of this Portfolio in 2019/2020?

My vision as Sports Leader is to see as many girls as possible getting involved in sports with the school. This can be through Athletics or Swimming Carnivals, weekend teams, or even through sports competitions at lunch with friends! 

Study Samurai Library

Click here for tips on How To Stay Positive As Exams Approach


Parramatta Women's Shelter Masquerade Gala Evening

Sister Immaculata, 1950s

From the Counsellors

Helping your child manage conflict

Learning to manage and resolve arguments or conflicts is an important skill for our children to learn. Children who learn how to manage conflict tend to be happier, have healthier friendships, are better at focussing and attend school. As parents, it is tempting to want to try and solve issues for our children, but this is not what will benefit them long term. Instead parents can concentrate on listening to the problem as presented by your child and helping them to work out how they feel about the situation e.g. angry, hurt, embarrassed. Talking to your child about what strategies you use that helps you calm down when upset will help your child to develop their own ways of self-soothing when they have distressing emotions. Ideas could include deep breathing, meditation, yoga, going for a walk, sitting in the sun, talking to a friend, writing in a journal, gardening or colouring-in. As you listen to your child recount the dispute it is natural to want to take their side, but it is equally important and valuable to listen in an empathetic manner and encourage your child to have some empathy for the other person involved in the dispute. Help your child think about how the other person may be feeling.

Once your child has expressed how they felt about the conflict and has felt heard, you can help them brainstorm a list of possible solutions that may assist them to think about different ways to resolve the conflict. Particular care should be taken with this step, as some adolescents don’t want their parents to help with this, particularly if they feel that a parent is suggesting one solution over others. Take care not to discount solutions that your child suggests. Remember that it may not be the solution you would use, but it’s important to be supportive of your child in this process.

Children and adolescents usually do want to resolve conflict, particularly with their peers, but are often unsure how to go about it. Teaching our children effective communication skills will help them do this. Some key skills to encourage include avoiding name-calling, talking directly with the other person (do not draw others into the conflict), listen respectfully (make eye contact, no interrupting), repeating back what the other person has said to show that you  understand their point of view, and using 'I' statements to express how they felt about the dispute e.g 'I feel angry when I don’t have an opportunity to say my point of view'.

Teaching your child how to apologise in a dispute is valuable. Apologising helps both parties to move forward and put the dispute behind them. It is important that the person apologising is specific in articulating what they are sorry for example, 'I am sorry that I used hurtful language and that this made you upset. I felt like I wasn’t being heard. I am not going to use that language again. Next time I will let you know that I felt like you weren’t listening to me'. It is important to try and avoid justifying your behavior, blaming the other person for your behavior, making excuses and trying to minimise the consequences.

Mrs Sandra Portela
Senior College Counsellor

Vinnies Christmas Hampers

Collection for the Christmas Hampers will continue for the next two weeks. Donations have been coming in steadily, but we are still short of our target. If you have not contributed, please bring in your items and place them outside the Staff Common Room. If possible, leave them in a recyclable bag which can then be reused by the families.

Year 7 Reflection Day

The Year 7 Reflection Day was a terrific success. The girls watched Blue Whale Productions Catherine McAuley play 'A Light in the Darkness' that tells the story of Catherine’s life. It was informative, educational and entertaining.

After recess, the girls worked in groups on an activity to look at the uneven distribution of wealth in our world as a way to appreciate and realise the fragility of Planet Earth. Rain would not dampen the day as we celebrated the gift of water that is in such demand around our country right now.

Girls completed a reflection activity and Mandala before entering into the spirit of healthy competition as groups decorated a border around our College 130-year prayer. This prayer was written in consultation with staff, students and the Sisters of Mercy and will be used for the remainder of this year and beyond.

Our precious time as a grade together was celebrated in a Mass led by College Chaplain, Fr Walter Fogarty, who pulled the themes of the day together beautifully by linking all of the activities with St Paul’s Letter to The Romans:

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.

We need to realise that we are global citizens all living in the same home, Planet Earth. Our actions affect others, and we need to learn to live in harmony with all people, seeing everyone as equal and as deserving of as good a life as we all have.

Thank you to the RE staff and other teachers who assisted on the day. I know the girls really enjoyed the experience of their first OLMC Reflection Day.


Drought Awareness

The drought is having an impact on our school community. Many people have expressed a desire to assist in some way and we are pleased to announce that later this term, we will be hosting a variety of activities and awareness-raising campaigns. These campaigns will not only be about education but also how we can help conserve our natural resources. As part of this awareness-raising, we will be conducting some fundraising. So many families are affected financially and I believe we can all dig deep and contribute in some way so that we can make a generous donation to the farmers living in NSW. More information will come to the students via their SRC and Mercy Action leaders, so please keep an eye out!


  • 61% of NSW in drought/intense drought
  • 39% of NSW is drought-affected
  • 100% of NSW impacted by the drought

Wishing you all a healthy and happy week ahead

Mrs Gabby Scanlon
Director of Mission