Opening Hours
The Uniform Shop will be open Monday to Thursday, from 8.00am – 9.30am and Monday - Wednesday from 3.00pm – 4.00pm (school days only).
Online purchases can be made via the Online Uniform Shop and all orders will be delivered to the Student Centre for collection by students.
Scarves and Hair Ribbons
Scarves and hair ribbons have arrived and are available for purchase either online or at the Uniform Shop.
Previous stock for Sale
Sharp Calculators - The Uniform Shop has a small batch of the previous Sharp calculators for sale at a discounted rate of $10.00 – available while stocks last!
Black tights - In size Medium, $2
Just a reminder that all online orders are taken to the Student Centre for students to collect.
If you have any concerns regarding uniform items, please don't hesitate to contact the Uniform Shop on 8838 1275 or