Lucie Farrugia, Principal

I cannot remember a time in my life when I didn’t want to grow up to be a teacher and like a lot of our Mercy Girls do, I spent many lesson hours in my school years studying my teachers to learn the craft of how best to impart knowledge and inspiration into young minds. 

The teachers I admired most were the ones who were so passionate about their subject matter that it was almost infectious. I loved how excited they were when we understood what they taught us, or when we were engaged in meaningful discussions around the topics we were covering; the teachers who showed their humanity whilst remaining faithful to covering curriculum and preparing us well for examinations and life beyond school. Teachers – expert in their field. 

Our staff at OLMC are prime examples of teachers such as these. Their commitment and care of each and every one of our girls is evident in all they do; in the way they speak about their students and in the manner in which they prepare their lessons and follow up. In the way they continually develop themselves professionally in their subject matter and share their knowledge and experience collegially with one another. 

Our girls continually show their appreciation to our teachers in the respectful way they conduct themselves in and out of class and in their efforts to push themselves to achieve beyond what they knew they could. Not a class finishes without our girls thanking their teachers as they exit the room. This means a lot to our teachers who really don’t ask for too much more! 

OLMC is a joy-filled learning environment and last week we celebrated World Teachers Day. Staff gathered together for a delicious morning tea that was kindly provided by the P&F.  

I honour our teachers for their tireless work each and every day and for the positive influence they are to our students who will always remain grateful, as I have been grateful, for excellent teaching and inspiration for life. 

God of Love, thank you for every teacher who notices a child’s special gift. Thank you for teachers who are listeners and gentle guides. Thank you for teachers who expect much and love enough to demand more. Thank you for the special teacher each one of us remembers.  

God of Mercy, sustain teachers who give everything they have. Strengthen teachers who assume the blame for so many problems beyond their control. Help exhausted teachers rest. 

God of Strength, encourage teachers to care and inspire them to nourish. Motivate teachers to keep on learning for the fun of it and to make learning enjoyable for children.  

God of Justice, help and support teachers in their special calling, wherever they teach and whatever obstacles they must face. We pray these things in the name of our great teacher, Jesus Christ. 



Sponsor a Seat

With the completion of the Northern Wing of the Brigid Shelly Building in 2023, a new 200 seat Auditorium will provide a state-of-the-art meeting space for House/Year groups, performances and other College events. Students, teachers and the entire OLMC community will benefit from these wonderful facilities. 

With this wonderful new space, we have a unique opportunity for our community to donate $250 to Sponsor a Seat. Donations will support the College’s future building projects. By sponsoring a seat in our new College Auditorium, your name will be etched in history with a small plaque being placed at your seat. You may like to donate as an individual, family or in honour of someone. If you would like to find out more about this project, please click here. 


Celebration of Achievement

Families were recently sent an email regarding details of our Celebration of Achievement evening to be held at Quaycentre, Sydney Olympic Park on 5 December 2022. The event commences at 7.00pm, however, I encourage all families to arrive from 6.00pm as there are other events taking place at Sydney Olympic Park on the same evening. This is a compulsory event for all students. If for any reason a student is unable to attend this event, I require a letter of explanation prior to the event. Student attendance will be recorded on the night. Please register your attendance by clicking below.

As the HSC examinations conclude this week, we would like to let our Class of 2022 know that they have the continued support, prayers and good wishes of the entire OLMC community. We are very proud of this incredible group of young ladies and I have no doubt that their hard work ethic will see them with limitless opportunities beyond the Mercy Gates.  

Lucie Farrugia 

8 November 2022

P&F AGM (7pm, Staff Common Room)

9 November 2022

College Twilight Tour

14 November 2022

Year 12 Sign Out Day

16 November 2022

Year 12 Formal

22 November 2022

P&F Meeting (7pm, Staff Common Room)

24 November 2022

Year 7 2023 Orientation Day

25 November 2022

Year 7 2023 Public Speaking Day of Excellence

5 December 2022

Celebration of Achievement (7.00-9.30pm)

Celebration of the Feast of St Peter and St Jude, Apostles

Gabrielle Scanlon, Director of Identity

On Friday, 28 October, we joined with Doyle and McAuley Houses for our Friday morning Mass where we remembered the Apostles, St Peter and St Jude. Fr Walter reminded us that as Apostles, Peter and Jude were sent out to be messengers to spread the Good News to others regardless of how hard this can sometimes be. As a faith filled Mercy community, we are called to live as Apostles, going out and being courageous advocates who are able to be a voice for the voiceless. May we always remember to be true to ourselves in both word and deed.

All Souls Day and November, the month of Remembrance

Today, 2 November, we remember All Souls Day. This is an opportunity for us to pause and remember with love and affection our loved ones who have died only to be reunited with Jesus and the Saints in heaven.

Student were invited into the Chapel today at lunch time to pray and write in our Book of Remembrance.

We will be opening the Chapel at various times throughout the month and will keep staff and students informed of this on the digital screens.

Year of Stewardship Activities

Multifaith Celebration

ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change) is a multi-faith network that encourages people of all faiths to take effective action for climate justice. Last month, staff and students assisted in the Faiths 4 Climate Justice Multi-faith service at St Patrick's Cathedral in Parramatta. The Chamber ensemble shared their talents and students read prayers in solidarity with people from Buddhist, Quaker, Jewish, Muslim and Christian faith persuasions. The girls loved the experience and were enthused by it. Thank you to Mrs Briggs and Ms Plummer for attending.

Mercy 6 Eco Justice Retreat

On the 27 and 28 October, five girls from Year 10 attended the Eco Justice retreat with five of the other Mercy 6 schools. Across the two days they engaged in different ways to pray, from the body prayer to walking the labyrinth and the indigenous experience of dadirri. They heard from Sue Martin about incorporating sustainable practices into the school. They created a sacred walk around OLMC and are hoping to make this a formal walk that students, staff and visitors could take to see the OLMC story.



COP27 Protest for Climate Change


The information below may be of interest to families. This event is supported by School Strike 4 Climate and will be held in the city on 12 November. 


Mrs Gabby Scanlon
Director of Identity



Comics and Collectables

The library is celebrating Comics and Collectables during Weeks 6 and 7 this term, with a mini museum that focuses on comic books and collectable items from the past. Thanks to Year 8 student and comic book fan, Olivia Takchi for coming up with this great idea and for helping the library organise the celebration.

Over these two weeks, there will be displays, fun activities and competitions for students and staff. For the mini museum of collectables, we will display some retro items that are connected to our childhood (books, toys and games), giving students a window into the past and allowing many of us to reminisce. As an example, some of you might remember having a View-Master when you were young or perhaps you played Knucklebones/Jacks during recess at primary school.

If there are any families who have an item, or even a photograph of the item, that they would be happy for the library to borrow for our Comics and Collectables display, please contact the Head of Library Services, Joel Ford, 

Dance Extravaganza 2022

Over 50 OLMC students across Years 7 to 11, performed in the Dance Extravaganza on Friday, 21 October in Edith Angel Hall. This event showcased the work of Years 9, 10 and 11 Dance students and the Co-curricular Dance Ensembles.

The program featured group routines, solo pieces and student compositions in a broad range of styles including contemporary, jazz, hip-hop and musical theatre.

It was a fabulous night celebrating dance at OLMC!

‘Being able to host a dance showcase at OLMC again was one of the best experiences of Year 10. Performing my composition that I created for my assessment, as well as class dances in front of family and friends was so much fun and was very rewarding. I loved sharing the moment with fellow dancers and thoroughly enjoyed the night.’ Stella Kemmis (Year 10)

Ms Alena Ieroianni
Dance Teacher


Last week saw the last of the camps for 2022. It was wonderful to have been able to provide this opportunity for Year 9 to challenge themselves in so many ways. Congratulations to the Duke of Edinburgh girls on their accomplishment and many thanks to the staff for their hard work and support of Year 9.

In the next week we will be having a uniform blitz so please ensure your daughters uniform is as per the College expectations.

Covid 19 Update:

On Friday, 14 October 2022, the NSW Public Health Order was amended to no longer require people to report a positive RAT. Independent schools may set their own requirements for students and staff to notify the school if they test positive to a COVID-19 test.

NSW Health advises that a person who has COVID-19 may be infectious for up to 10 days but are most infectious in the two days before symptoms start and while they have acute symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever.

Given there are still cases of COVID-19 occurring, the College has established the following guidelines for families in the case your daughter does test positive:

  • Notify the school of a positive test result – this can be in a message responding to the SMS that will be sent on the day your daughter is absent
  • Your daughter is not to attend school while she has symptoms
  • She should wear a mask indoors upon return to school for the first 4 days.

Cybersafety – is your child the victim of cyberbullying??

This year we have regularly tried to provide information to our parents and carers about navigating the online world that is inhabited by our young people. I recently came across this information which whilst I hope you will not need, may prove useful.

Top five signs that suggest a child is the target of cyberbullying

  • They appear sad, lonely, angry, worried or upset more than usual
  • Unexpected changes in friendship groups or not wanting to be around people, even friends
  • Changes in personality, becoming more withdrawn or anxious
  • Changes in sleep patterns, eating or energy levels
  • Becoming secretive about their mobile phone use or what they are doing online

Source: eSafety

Top five tips for parents to protect their children from harm online

  • Use parental controls in apps and devices to monitor and limit what your child does online
  • Set time limits for using devices during non-school hours
  • Keep your kids in open areas of the home when using their devices
  • Turn on privacy settings to restrict who contacts your child in apps and games
  • Join in with your child’s online activities by co-viewing and co-playing

Source: eSafety

Ms Ann-Marie Herd
Director of Student Wellbeing


Teenagers and Sleep

Good sleep habits are an important way to support your physical and mental health. People of all ages can benefit from good sleeping habits. Sleep hygiene refers to the habits and practices that are conducive to sleeping well on a regular basis. Teenagers typically need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night for optimal development and daily functioning. However, they tend to neglect good sleep hygiene practices or prioritise other activities, above sleep. Most teenagers cannot function on less than seven hours a night!

Show more

Debating and Public Speaking

Over the last fortnight, many of our girls were involved in two Public Speaking competitions. The annual Festival of Speech was finally hosted live again after three years of being on Zoom. Held on a weekend at Pymble Ladies College, the event proved to be an outstanding success with twelve of our girls participating. Matilda Webb (Year 8) excelled in being awarded Highly Commended in the new Soapbox Speaking category, but all our girls were well prepared and deserve mention. 

Junior Public SpeakingSalene Perera 
Junior Poetry    Snigdha Bommasani 
Junior ReadingsAbera Satyajith 
SoapboxA’ishah Ali 
 Ritisha Kadire
 Siona Trivedi 
 Matilda Webb
Senior Public Speaking   Bianca Salloman 
Senior Poetry        Cassie Sastrillo 
Current Affairs Arlene Kumar 
 Tijana Pavlovic 
 Freya Scothern

Thanks to all these girls for their diligent preparation. Student comments included ‘I didn’t realise how much fun it would be’ and ‘Speaking in front of strangers gave me confidence.’ Well done to all! 

The first heats of United Nations Voice were also held over the last week.

This event requires entrants to provide an original solution to a social issue and once again, our girls performed very well. Isabella Samaha (Year 10), Lohita Gollavilli (Year 9), Sharanya Kugan (Year 10), Vrinda Kumar (Year 7), Amariah Tamaro (Year 7), Chloe D’Sa (Year 8) and Prachi Patel (Year 7) now wait to see if they progress to the State semi-finals. Results should be out by the end of this week. 

Christopher Ostrowski 
Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator 

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Last week 92 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh students completed the Adventurous Journey component of their Award at Camp Somerset at Colo. Across three days they developed a range of new skills including pitching a tent, cooking on a Trangia stove and map reading. Students were also loaded with a pack and a map and drew on their navigation and teamwork skills to successfully complete an arduous seven-kilometer hike on a beautiful, but very warm day. There was a real buzz when students returned to base, as they felt a sense of accomplishment at taking on the unknown and overcoming the elements by taking it ‘one step at a time’.  
It would not be possible for such a big cohort of students to complete their Adventurous Journey without the generosity of our College staff. I want to thank Miss Abbey Connor, Miss Lauren Simmons, Mrs Julia Montgomery, Mrs Monica Herrera and Mr Gerard Altura for giving up a large portion of their weekend to accompany the Bronze participants and facilitate this section of the Award.

Ms Tara Millgate 
Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader 

Multifaith Climate Change Service

On Thursday, 13 October, Year 10 students and the Chamber Ensemble had the opportunity to attend a multi-faith service where people from various religions came together to pray and reflect about the impacts of climate change.

This service enabled us to learn about religious traditions and ways of praying that were very different from ours. Engaging in interfaith dialogue, we celebrated our diverse religious community through a Muslim Introduction to prayer by Ahmet Ozrurk, a Jewish scripture chant by Rabi George Mordecai and Buddhist meditation by Mari Rhydwen.

Many other young people from local High Schools also attended this service. Despite our religious differences, as a collective, we came together for the common goal of praying for environmental justice, spreading awareness and reducing the impacts of climate change. 

Mia Fogolin (Year 10) and Emily Orszulak (Year 10)

P&F AGM - 7.00pm, 8 November 2022

We invite you to attend the P&F AGM at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 8 November 2022 in the College Staff Common Room (access via Gate 2).

To nominate for a position on the P&F Committee, please complete the form below and email it to

P&F Committee Nomination Form

P&F Committee Roles and Responsibilities

P&F Committee

Opening Hours and Purchases:

The Uniform Shop is open Monday to Thursday from 8.00am – 9.30am, and 3.00pm – 4.30pm on Monday and Wednesday (school days only). Online purchases can be made via the Online Uniform Shopand all orders will be delivered to the Student Centre for collection by students.  

Uniform Fittings 2023  

Appointment times are available online and can be booked via the uniform tab on the College website.  Please note there are separate times and dates for senior and junior fittings.  

Senior Uniform Fittings for Year 10, 2023 have begun and will continue until Wednesday, 23 November so please ensure your booking is made before then. 

Junior Uniform Fittings for Year 7, 2023will begin from Saturday, 26 November 2022 till Monday, 12 December 2022. 


If you have any concerns regarding uniform items, please don't hesitate to contact the Uniform Shop on 8838 1275