Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta
OLMC now has a Foundation to support the College and the needs of our students through which contributions and donations are directed and funds distributed.
The Foundation activities are focused on supporting the College’s Scholarship Fund, Bursary Fund, College Building Fund, as well as its philanthropic support of the Mercy Tree Gift Fund. In addition, the Foundation supports Major Gifts programs and Capital Works projects.
The Foundation was established to ensure donors’ funds are well-directed to financially support the College in its commitment to excellence in Mercy education, now and into the future.
Foundation Objectives
There are a number of ways in which you can support the College through the Foundation:
1 Scholarship Fund
2 Bursary Fund
3 College Building Fund
4 Gifts in Wills
6 Capital Gifts
CLICK HERE for more information.
We are excited for the new facilities our extension on the Brigid Shelly building will deliver in early 2023. In addition to the flexible, contemporary general learning areas and refurbishment of existing spaces, there will be a new College Auditorium.
The 200 seat Brigid Shelly Auditorium provides a large meeting space for House/Year groups, performances, and other College events.
With this new space, we have a unique opportunity for our community to become involved by donating $250 to Sponsor a Seat. Some of you will remember buying a paver for the Frances Kearney playground. Students and families still love finding their names when returning to the College. In recognition of your donation, a small plaque will be placed at each seat. By Sponsoring a seat, you will help raise funds in support of the College’s Master Plan as well as etching your name in history.
CLICK HERE for more information.
The 19th OLMC Parramatta Alumnae Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday, 25 October 2022 at 7pm in the Stanley Rooms at the College and via Zoom.
There are no outstanding matters from the previous Minutes and no new Motions will be put to the meeting.
The President’s Report will be available on the OLMC Parramatta website as soon as practicable after the AGM. Full documentation, including Financial Reports, will be provided to any Alumnae upon request.
We would very much like to see you at our AGM. If you would like to attend, please click here to RSVP by Tuesday, 18 October 2022. You will then be contacted directly and provided with relevant meeting papers and an invitation, if attending via Zoom.
Finally, if you would like to raise any business, please contact the Secretary alumnae@olmc.nsw.edu.au (using “AGM” in the subject line).
Andrea Kohler (1983)
OLMC Alumnae Association
Applications are now invited from families of girls entering the College Year 7 in 2024.
CLICK HERE for more information and to commence your application.
Have you recently moved house or prefer us to use another email address?
CLICK HERE to update your details on our database.
Please forward this email onto any girls you are still in contact with from your time at the College, so they too can update their details and stay connected to OLMC Parramatta.
LinkedIn is a great way to stay connected to other alumnae and build your network.
If you have a LinkedIn account, please ensure in the education tab that you selected the Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta option that shows the new navy and white OLMC Parramatta crest.