Ex-student receives a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

At the 2022 Opening School Mass, Principal Lucie Farrugia took the opportunity to formally congratulate Sister Barbara McDonough rsm on receiving an OAM on Australia Day.

A Parramatta Sister of Mercy and ex-student of OLMC, Sister Barbara was recognised for her service to education and to the church alongside over 1000 recipients across the country. This is an amazing and well-deserved honour for Sister Barbara McDonough who has so generously served our College community for many decades including by playing a pivotal role in our Alumnae Association. The College's Student Services centre, refurbished in 2012, was named after Sister Barabara McDonough.



HSC Celebration of Achievement

The College's HSC Celebration of Achievement Assembly was held on Tuesday 8 February. It was followed by Morning Tea in the Convent Garden. This was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with the Class of 2021.
Despite going through a year like no other, the girls demonstrated resilience and determination, coming out the other side shining brightly.
Mercy Girls heard from ATAR Dux, Marta Abicic, who shared her own journey of her HSC experience. “You need to be kind to yourself and figure out what works because once you find your learning style, everything becomes a lot easier.”
  • 99th school in the Top 100 Sydney Morning Herald List
  • 1st in State in Croatian Continuers
  • 55 Distinguished Achievers with 134 mentions on the Distinguished Achievers List
  • 6 students on the All Rounders List
  • 3 students short-listed for Creative Arts HSC Exhibitions

Open Day Sunday 6 March - All Welcome

The 2022 Open Day is fast approaching. Visitors will be able to tour the campus, hear from our Principal, Ms Lucie Farrugia, and discover what makes a Mercy Education so special.

To register, click here https://bit.ly/3rufY9t



Year 7, 2024 Enrolment Information Evening

The Year 7, 2024 Enrolment Information Evening is coming up on Tuesday 29 March. This is a chance to hear from College Principal, Ms Lucie Farrugia and other key members of the College Leadership Team and discover why a Mercy Education is treasured for life.

Enrolments for Year 7, 2024 open online on the evening of this event.

Time: 6pm (5.30pm for registration)

Enquiries: Enrolments Office  T (02) 8838 1222  E enrolments@olmc.nsw.edu.au


Retiring Staff Members Farewelled

At the end of the 2022 Opening School Mass, our community officially thanked three retiring staff members. Glenn Waddell, Janet Stephens and Mark Turl were each presented with a gift from the College. Between these three staff members, there are over 100 years of service to the OLMC community! We wish each of them all the very best in their retirement.

OLMC Alumnae Reunion Day 2022 - Save the Date

Please save the date for our annual Alumnae Reunion Day Sunday 18 September.  All alumnae from all Year Groups are warmly welcome. More detailed information will be available closer to the date.


Update your details

Have you recently moved house or prefer us to use another email address?

CLICK HERE to update your details on our database.

Please forward this email onto any girls you are still in contact with from your time at the College, so they too can update their details and stay connected to OLMC Parramatta.

Update your LinkedIN profile

LinkedIn is a great way to stay connected to other alumnae and build your network.

If you have a LinkedIn account, please ensure in the education tab that you selected the Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta option that shows the new navy and white OLMC Parramatta crest.

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