OLMC Parramatta

Lucie Farrugia, Principal

There is certainly a feeling of spring in the air. The mornings are getting warmer and the days are longer. Each morning when I come to work, I drive down a street filled with beautiful blossom trees. The graceful silhouettes of the trees stand as a testament to the wonders of nature’s artistry. These blossom trees, that are covered with petals that range from the purest white to the softest pinks and vibrant magentas, offer a poignant reminder of the cyclical nature of existence.

Just like the trees, our lives too are marked by cycles of growth, transformation and renewal. The challenges we face – be it academic pursuits, personal growth or the broader journey of life – are not unlike the winters that test the strength of the trees. It is during these times of trial that we build resilience, character and the determination to persevere. And just as spring follows winter, so too do our efforts lead to moments of blooming and flourishing.

It’s easy to be inspired by the fragility and strength of these trees. As they brave the harshness of winter, they emerge even more vibrant and beautiful than before. Similarly, the challenges we overcome only serve to make us stronger and more resilient, adding depth and character to our journey.

As Australia prepares to vote in the constitutional referendum on 14 October, I can’t help but draw a comparison of metaphors for strength and resilience within nature, and that shown by our First Nations People in anticipation of the results of the referendum.

A Voice to Parliament

A Voice to Parliament is a body enshrined in the Constitution that would enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to provide advice to Parliament on policies and projects that impact their lives.

It is the first reform proposed under the Uluru Statement From the Heart, which was addressed to the Australian people in 2017, and invited the nation to work together to create a better future through key reforms.

You can find more information about A Voice to Parliament here

Father Daughter Mass

Last week we welcomed many fathers and father figures to the College for our annual Father’s Day Mass. There was not a spare seat in the Chapel! Thank you to Father Walter, staff, students and the P&F who contributed to this very special event.


A special mention to Michael Johnson, father to Emily (Year 9), who sang a moving rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone. He spoke about the Mercy Values of justice and compassion alongside his gratitude that all children who come to OLMC are cared for and accepted for the people they are.


Jersey Day

The College was awash with a sea of colours last Friday with students and staff wearing their favourite jerseys for Jersey Day. Jersey Day has been inspired by the gift of life that Nathan Gremmo gave to six people when he became an organ donor at age 13. To register to be an organ or tissue donor, please join the Australian Donor Register



Staff Professional Learning Day

Our Staff Professional Learning Day held recently set the scene to explore the connections between how we teach, where we teach and what is possible in different places and spaces. Led by Louise Millar, Director of Teaching and Learning, we looked at the incredible opportunity presented to us by the new Northern Wing of our Brigid Shelly Building and the flexibility that has been a key design principle for that project.

We are very lucky at OLMC to have a range of spaces, both indoors and outdoors, that we can utilise for a variety of learning settings. Teaching staff discussed the need to be intentional and purposeful around how we arrange the space we are in to maximise learning outcomes and experiences. Using Ron Ritchhardt’s research and insights present in his book Cultures of Thinking, we explored some of the mental and physical routines and protocols we will build for all spaces across the College. It was a highly engaging session that will assist staff to rethink and strengthen the ways in which we use our physical environment for even better learning.

Reunion Day

Our annual Reunion Day on Sunday, 17 September is fast approaching. As always, this event promises to be a wonderful chance to reminisce and reconnect with old friends. I look forward to seeing many ex-students on this day.


Celebration of Achievement – Save the Date

As we near the end of Term 3, I would like to share with you the details for our Celebration of Achievement. Planning has commenced for this special event which will take place on 4 December 2023, from 4.00pm – 6.00pm at the Quaycentre, Sydney Olympic Park. This is also the final day of day of school for 2023. Attendance at this event is compulsory for students and parents are strongly encouraged to attend. There is so much to celebrate as a community in 2023 and I look forward to seeing you on this special occasion. 

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us.

Lucie Farrugia
College Principal

Let’s go!

There are many words that begin with 'C' that swirl around education, including, but not limited to, collaboration, creativity, coherence, communication, critical thinking, chatGPT, culture, character…

One that drives learning – desiring and/or seeking new information for necessity, interest, entertainment, education, opinion, etc – is CURIOSITY. Curiosity provides a spark for innovation; quenches a desire to acquire a deeper understanding; fills a gap in knowledge; balances an opinion; introduces a different side of an argument; challenges the status quo.

Curiosity is a trait that needs nourishment and support. I vividly recall my children, when young, asking 'why?'. Of course, I answered the question, and it was immediately followed with 'but why?' and 'why?' and 'why?' again. Every parent will have received this grilling from their children. We are grilled because our children are trying to put the pieces together, fill the gaps in their understanding and in the most genuine sense, trying to figure out why something is what it is.

Do we lose that curiosity as we get older? Research challenges the notion that we lose curiosity as we age, instead suggesting that it may adapt throughout our lives. It suggests that the types of curiosity may change with age, with a shift from a focus on exploration and novelty-seeking to a more knowledge-oriented curiosity. Think about a classroom of primary, secondary and tertiary students – what does learning look and sound like in each setting? Moreover, the measure of 'learning' might promote or suffocate curiosity. For example, how much room is there for a curious mind when the HSC syllabus has a list of outcomes to master and on which a summative judgement will be passed?

I asked my friendly AI assistant this question:

would it be fair to say that learning at school and university, where high-stakes exams are used as the measure of success, strangle even the most curious students in focusing on small learning targets?

The response (in part):

It's important to strike a balance between standardized testing and fostering curiosity. Encouraging students to ask questions, explore topics of personal interest, and engage in projects that allow for creativity and independent thinking can help mitigate the (potentially) negative impact of exam-focused education on curiosity. Ultimately, a well-rounded education system should nurture both academic achievement and a lifelong passion for learning.

Syllabus-driven learning has its place. I don’t want bridges built by engineers who have only experimented with balsa wood models. I do, however, want an engineer who can design the Sydney Opera House – the celebration and realisation of creativity and expertise. A result of being curious enough (and brave enough) to wonder if the dream was possible.

One of the ways in which we address this potential (but not binary) tension between work and play is by providing an extensive co-curricular program – where students can follow or find a passion. Is your daughter in the Drone Club? If so, have they yet been awarded their 'Drone Licence'? Beyond playing with and flying drones they have to consider 'how does flight work?'. Drama, art and music – in both academic and co-curricular forms – invites audiences to wonder 'what am I supposed to see/think/feel', and frees the creators to wonder 'how do I evoke a response from my audience?'. There are over 50 co-curricular options from which to choose!

You may be curious to know why I am sharing these thoughts with you. It is in response to a phrase that is prominent in Australia at the moment. It is a phrase which, as an educator, deeply worries and offends me. It is a phrase that promotes ignorance over curiosity.

'If you don’t know, vote no.'

I am not advocating a position on the Voice referendum, but I am advocating for curiosity. Where would we be if our response to our childrens’ 'why' questions were met with 'if you don’t know, don’t worry about it'. I think is incumbent on me to challenge this call to purposeful ignorance. Curiosity requires bravery. It requires me to acknowledge that I don’t have the answer, that I might be missing something, or indeed, that I might be asking the wrong question.

I sincerely encourage our students to never stop asking 'why?'. The response our students will receive is 'If you don’t know, let’s go!'. This is the beginning of learning. This is how OLMC students learn to be courageous advocates with limitless possibilities.

Venerable Catherine McAuley, pray for us.

Anthony Blomfield
Deputy Principal

Mercy Day - 15 September 2023

As we gear up for an exciting Mercy Day, we are asking for your assistance with two engaging attractions: the Raffle and Chocolate Wheel. All proceeds from these activities are going to Mercy Works https://www.mercyworks.org.au/

How can you help?


A generous donation from your business of a product or service in the form of an item or gift card. Your support will be acknowledged through event promotions and materials, giving your business valuable exposure.

So far, we would like to thank:

  • Castle Hills RSL - 12-month gym membership (valued at $1350)
  • Joker Kicks - $300 voucher to spend online
  • Esmio Australia - $250 voucher to spend online
  • Raging Waters - 2 x single day passes (valued at $110)
  • Messina - $30 voucher to spend instore
  • Leonie Casha - $50 Ultimate Gift Voucher
  • Victoria Smith - Piano Lessons - Piano Lessons with Victoria Smith

If you are interested in supporting our Raffle, please contact Susan Giacomelli susan.giacomelli@olmc.nsw.edu.au


This crowd favourite needs donations of smaller prizes (make-up, hair products, soft toys, boxes of chocolates). Gifts should cost no more than $15. Your donation will be recognised during the event, showing your commitment to our community.

If you are interested in supporting our Chocolate Wheel, please drop your item with your name in the Chocolate Wheel Bucket at the Student Centre.

Thank you for considering this request. Your support of this event is much appreciated by the staff in making this a special event for our girls.

Catholic Earthcare Schools Art Competition

We're thrilled to announce that Year 11 student, Bliss Oosterwijk, has been awarded first place in the Catholic Earthcare Schools Art Competition. Her oil painting, Divine Justice, pictured below aligns perfectly with this year's theme, Let Justice and Peace Flow.

Bliss's impressive artwork highlights the importance of justice and peace in our world, showcasing not only her artistic talent but also her commitment to addressing global issues through art. Bliss writes 'Divine Justice, intentionally highlights the power of nature in relation to God through a visual retelling of the myth of Icarus. Thus, conveying the connections between God and the natural world.'

Congratulations Bliss on this remarkable achievement.



Bstreetsmart Excursion

On Wednesday 23 August, Year 10 students attended the Bstreetsmart Forum which is an initiative of the Trauma Service at Westmead Hospital.The purpose of Bstreetsmart is to reduce the fatality and injury rates of young people by promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passengers.

Initially, students were presented with a very realistic scenario of a car crash caused by drink driving and phone distractions that resulted in significant consequences. Dr Ken Harrison, a Careflight and Westmead Trauma Doctor narrated the crash scene as police, paramedics and firefighters went about fulfilling their roles and responsibilities at the emergency scene. Many students discovered that firefighters play a vital role at the aftermath of a crash even if there is no fire, as they can assist in freeing individuals trapped in vehicles and assisting paramedics in caring for any casualties. The confronting scene resonated with the students as the realistic quality of the accident caused them to comprehend the immense responsibility that is held by both drivers and passengers. With the death of one character and serious injury of two others, the driver faced significant legal consequences that would hinder his future. This scenario highlighted to the students that driving is a privilege and not a right. It can be very dangerous when it is misused and when this occurs, the consequences can be fatal.

During the lunch break, students were given the opportunity to visit different stations and learn more about certain aspects of road safety and those that help to enforce it. Some of the stations available included police, fire trucks, ambulances, emergency and organ donation. These stations provided an enormous amount of insight into the accidents and consequences that these emergency service personnel deal with on a daily basis.

Perhaps the most haunting part of the day was the speeches given by three car accident survivors as well as a presentation by Melissa McGuinness whose son was responsible not only for his own death but those of four other individuals. Her candid and heart-wrenching story of the impact of her son Jordan’s poor decision-making and choices on that fateful night ten years ago still lives with her, his father, his two siblings and the families of the individuals he killed that night. There is no doubt that hearing the stories of these speakers brought home to the students in a very sad but direct way the huge loss and suffering these individuals had already endured and will continue to endure for many years to come. 


James Franklin & Jennifer McIntosh

Year 11 Dance

This term, Year 11 Dance students studied a unit titled ‘Dancer as Athlete and Artist’. As part of their coursework, students spent time in the newly renovated gymnasium under the guidance of Mr Adams exploring topics including pre-habilitation, movement screening, strength and stability, plyometrics, energy systems and recovery.


Students were excited to have the opportunity to learn in this new space and develop their understanding of training and proper body mechanics to enhance dance performance.

Year 10 PASS - Girls in Sport Festival

On 30 August, our Year 10 PASS class participated in a Girls in Sport event, run by Parramatta Council. The event allowed us to delve into sport participation and learn new pathways in future jobs. We were provided with the opportunity to hear from a range of female athletes including: Elise Albert, Tess Staines, Sarah Alley, Amy Parmenter, Rachel Pearson and Jaslyn Hewitt-Shehadie. They shared their experiences with sport and the ways in which they were provided with a range of opportunities, as both athletes and people, in administration. We then began sports rotations in tennis, soccer, golf, cricket, rugby, AFL and rock climbing. We were able to participate in new sports that we otherwise wouldn’t have engaged in and develop new skills and passions. We learnt something new about ourselves and were able to take away lifelong lessons and memories that fostered a deeper appreciation for women and their vital role in sports. This event was a fun and rewarding experience, creating a greater awareness of women in sport.  

Eleni Mestousis (Year 10)



Page Turners Book Club

On Wednesday 23 August, the second Page Turners Book Club meeting was held for 2023. The group enjoyed a pleasant evening of light refreshments and spirited discussion about the selected novel and the joy of reading.

Parents, students and teachers read Craig Silvey’s Runt, a heartwarming story about a young girl, Annie, and her dog who fight against the odds. Set in country Australia, the novel explores friendship, community and acceptance. Annie’s determination and love for her dog resonated with students and parents alike.

Runt won the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award for Younger Readers in 2023.

'This was my first book club at OLMC. Parents, students and teachers created a welcoming and inviting atmosphere that was enjoyable and productive. My favourite part was the questions about the book because they helped initiate the conversation and challenged us to think more about the book.'

Lizzy Butler (Year 9)

'I loved it. It was an excellent opportunity to read something that I would not have ordinarily read. I enjoyed hearing other people’s perspectives about the book and would recommend the book and the book club to other parents and their daughters.

Shaun Butler (parent)





MASSH is our afterschool students’ study, homework and assessment support. We offer general study support and subject-specific support every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.

Subject-specific support is available on the days below:

  • Monday – Technology, Religious Studies and all junior subject support
  • Tuesday – Mathematics and English
  • Wednesday and Thursday – Science and Mathematics
  • English support is available upon request for Wednesdays.

If you would like small group or individual academic support please contact Mrs Rugg, cheryl.rugg@olmc.nsw.edu.au with the following details:

  • Name and Year group
  • Subject the student would like to work on with a MASSH Supervisor
  • Preferred afternoons.

Reader/Writer volunteers

OLMC is launching a new student support program and we are looking for volunteers from the community who are willing to work with our Diverse Learning team to support our students with their assessments and exams.

We are starting with our Reader and Writer Program and are looking for community members who can support our students during the day, throughout the year. Full training will be provided.

A few requirements are needed including:  

  • A volunteer Working with Children Check  
  • An ability to work with a range of students in exam settings.

Unfortunately, this volunteer opportunity is not open to parents or siblings of current Year 11 and 12 students, but we hope that as this program develops you will join us in future years.


For information, questions and expressions of interest please contact Monica Searle, Head of Diverse Learning - monica.searle@olmc.nsw.edu.au


Term 3 has been busy in Careers as many universities’ early entry programs close and their Open Days begin. Students are encouraged to attend Open Days as well as make appointments with Ms Dalby to discuss options post-school. 

We continue to have the universities present to the students over lunchtimes, giving them the opportunity to ask questions about courses and hear from current students about uni life. Recently, we had NexGen visit to share knowledge of what is involved when working in a construction business. Next week wraps up our university lunchtime sessions as we have UTS and USYD visit the school.

Upcoming Events

Geoscience Australia | Online professional learning: Natural hazards

6 September, 2023

Natural hazards and disasters can have a lasting impact on the Earth and our communities. By examining years of satellite imagery we can observe the extent of hazard impacts on our landscape and infrastructure and plan for future events.

This session will explore how Earth observation satellites are used to monitor natural hazards. Our education team will walk you through how to access real satellite imagery from the Digital Earth Australia portal and will provide you with some ready-to-use classroom activities.


Find out more

Show more

Ann-Marie Herd – Director of Student Wellbeing

As we move into the later half of the term the Wellbeing Team is eagerly working on two major upcoming events – Mercy Day and the Year 12 Farewell and Graduation.

Mercy Day promises to be a wonderful celebration of who we are as a College community. On the day, all students are to wear their summer uniform, so I ask you to check that your daughter's uniform is the correct length and that she is adhering to the College standards for hair, make-up, jewellery and nails.

We commence the day with a College Mass, the theme of which is Hope for the Future. This will be followed by a day of activities. There are a range of free activities as well as some that incur a cost. Whilst girls are encouraged to bring a picnic, there will also be a variety of food trucks available. Please see below the range of activities available. 


FREE activities on the day:Activities that require Mercy Day Coupons:Activities that require Cash or Card:
Dance partyMajor raffle prizePizza $10
Photo boothChocolate Wheel ticketsGrilled Gourmet - burgers, spring rolls, nachos, chips $8 - $10
Rooftop activitiesTeacher dunkTwist Chip on a stick $7
Petting zooSnacksRoll'd (Vietnamese) $4.70
Carnival gamesDrinksBirdie Icecream truck $6+
Picnic with your friendsZooper doopersDown for donuts $4+


As the Term draws to a close, I remind you if you have any concerns about your daughter please don’t hesitate to contact her Homeroom Mentor, Head of House, a College Counsellor or me for support as we continue to work in partnership with you and your daughter.

Ann-Marie Herd
Director of Student Wellbeing





On Tuesday, 29 September, Year 12 took part in a workshop delivered by Galmatic. Galmatic provided specialised training and education to our Year 12 students on car maintenance. The aim of this workshop is to empower the girls with knowledge and skills.

The girls also received access to a Glovebox Guide designed to be downloaded onto a mobile phone and is a ‘how-to’ checklist covering such things as:

  • The 10-minute monthly car check
  • How to change a tyre (Link to video)
  • What to do in an accident and accident recording



In 2009, Gavin Larkin collaborated with Janina Nearn on a documentary to raise awareness of the impact suicide has on families and loved ones. From this an Australia-wide campaign was born to raise awareness of suicide prevention and champion the act of asking those around us 'R U OK?'

A simple question can be the catalyst for some really important conversations. Please see the attached poster for some simple ways to start these important conversations.

If you or a loved one are not doing very well, please reach out and seek support:

1.       Attend your GP and ask for a Mental Health Care plan.

2.       Contact your daughter's Head of House or School Counsellor.

3.       24/7 Crisis numbers such as Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Kids helpline: 1800 551 800

The R U OK website also has numerous resources that are freely available: https://www.ruok.org.au/.

The 8 September 2023 is the official R U OK Day.

Sandra Portela
Senior School Counsellor

Study Skills Handbook

To learn more about learning collaboratively to maximise your potential and create a well-rounded academic experience access the Study Skills Handbook by logging in with the details below.

username: OLMC

password: 64results

HEX Ed Pro – a new opportunity for Year 11 students in 2024

HEX Ed Pro is a fantastic opportunity for your Year 10 child to explore their interests, learn new skills, and prepare for their future career. It is a fully online program that lets them choose from five different units: YOU, INNOVATION, MONEY, TECH, and FUTURE. Each unit is designed to help them discover their strengths and passions, develop their creativity and problem-solving abilities, and understand the world of work and money. They will also get to interact with mentors and peers from various industries and backgrounds, and receive university credit for their learning.

HEX Ed Pro is backed by the Australian government and leading companies like Atlassian. It is facilitated by the award-winning team at HEX, who have helped over 5000 learners worldwide achieve their career goals and create positive change. The program costs $790 AUD per unit, but OLMC has negotiated a special price for our students at $495.

HEX Ed Pro runs for 8 weeks starting in Term 1 2024 and requires only 5-6 hours of work per week. It has monthly live events, mentoring sessions, checkpoints, and social activities that make learning fun and engaging. Your child will also receive a global transcript from the University of Sydney that will boost their resume and academic prospects. We will run HEX Ed Pro as a co-curricular program in 2024 and there are only 20 places.

Don’t miss this chance to give your child a head start in their education and career. HEX Ed Pro is more than just a program; it’s a life-changing experience that will help them find their purpose and potential. To learn more, visit HEX Ed Pro (startwithhex.com) today.

Current Year 10 students need to check the emails sent by Mr Esterman about this program and use the link to submit an Expression of Interest.



Music Ensembles at the College

The clarinet's versatility knows no bounds – from the rich, warm notes that evoke nostalgia to the spirited, playful tunes that make your spirit soar, this instrument can paint a myriad of emotions through its sound.

Year 8 students, Rachel Gilroy and Heidi Smith are members of our Clarinet Ensemble. This affords them the opportunity to perform at both internal College events, as well as external events.

The girls have been learning the instrument for six years. As well as being part of the ensemble, they also take private instrumental lessons with clarinet tutor, Emily Liston.

The Music department recently interviewed Rachel and Emily about their love for the clarinet.

What advice would you give to another student who is contemplating learning the Clarinet?

Heidi:I would highly recommend it. Learning a new instrument is a valuable lesson to learn. Not only that, but it is a release from our busy lives and allows us to let our stress go for a while. It may seem a little challenging at first, but it’s very easy once you know how to play the right notes. 

Rachel:As Nike would say, ‘just do it.’ 

What are some of the funniest moments that you can recall from Clarinet Ensemble?  

Heidi:  Learning a new song can be quite difficult, especially when there are a bunch of people learning a song at the same time. Everyone has their own skill level and trying to keep up with the skill levels of others can be tricky. There have been many times when we are practicing a new song and it has turned into a cacophony of high and low notes. It is hilarious, as sometimes it sounds nothing like the song should. But luckily, with Emily as our teacher, we are continually learning and with practice, we eventually play the song from start to finish. 

Rachel: Despite my tutor, Emily only being here for the past year, the many stories I've taken away, especially from clarinet ensemble, are priceless. From the theatre-worthy entrances to the constant laughs that are shared between songs and completely messing up a piece to the point where it's a strange combination of assorted sounds, there's always something to look forward to. 

What has been your favourite part about learning Clarinet? 

Heidi:I find playing the clarinet relaxes me and lets me break free of the stress of homework and assessments. Emily is really patient as a teacher. Whenever I make a mistake, she asks me where I think I went wrong and then brainstorms methods to fix that mistake with me. This is a skill that has helped me identify mistakes so that I can fix them.  

Rachel:Emily is extremely patient and is aware of my limits when it comes to how I play. This has allowed her achieve things that I otherwise wouldn't have dreamt of achieving. She is also attentive and helps me identify areas that I need to work at.

Whether you're a seasoned clarinettist or a curious beginner, there's a place for you in our vibrant musical community. If you are interested in learning the clarinet or any other instrument, please submit your expression of interest at: https://www.olmc.nsw.edu.au/music-lessons-application-olmc-stduents/ 

For all other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at music@olmc.nsw.edu.au  


Emily Liston is a Clarinet tutor at OLMC. She is in her final year studying a Bachelor of Clarinet Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium. She is passionate about teaching and encourages students to grow in their enthusiasm for music and their technical ability. Emily was a semi-finalist in the New Zealand Chamber Music Competition, the principal clarinettist of the Auckland Youth Orchestra for their Europe tour in 2018 and the concertmaster of the NZ Youth Symphonic Winds. In November last year, Emily was also invited to perform with the Schubert Society.


CGSSSA Dance & The Hills Dance Spectacular

On Wednesday, 23 August, OLMC competed in the CGSSSA Dance Championships.

The Year 9 Elective Dance class performed their contemporary work ‘Survivor’ and the OLMC Dance Company performed their high-energy routine ‘Gimme the Applause’.

Company dancers were excited to be awarded 3rd place in the jazz section.

Jessica Spratt, Sophia Dobaj, Ashlyn Kumar (Year 9) and Gabby Fleming (Year 10) represented the College as soloists at this event.

On 27 August, the OLMC Dance company also performed in the secondary schools jazz section at the Hills Dance Spectacular Eisteddfod at Pacific Hills Christian College.  The girls demonstrated outstanding teamwork and commitment.


Congratulations to our OLMC Dancers!


Our Year 7 students were busy last week in the Cardmaking Cocurricular making special cards in honour of Father’s Day. Well done to all the girls who are very enthusiastic about papercraft!  

Trudi-Ann Harvey


What a month of Sport at OLMC!

NSWCCC Netball Championships

OLMC Competed at the NSWCCC Netball Championships on 15 August at Penrith. The teams consisted of Abigail Mahoney, Sienna Stokes, Ella McGirr, Kiera Wainwright, Chiara Borthwick, Mia Kerr, Lucy McSweeny, Isabella Cotter, Bronte Herberstein, Jemima Scothern, Ava Moses, Chloe D’sa, Kiana Banza, Ava Silvari, Matilda Webb, Amelia Johnston, Anweshi Ghale, Emily Dowling, Alisha Katafono, Aruvi Nadarajah, Jia Sunner, Olivia Saab, Claire Le Tran, Sarah Kenna, Lila Haddin and Sophie Ackroyd.

Well done to all the girls for their efforts throughout the day. Despite the overall results, the girls played some exceptional games and showed great teamwork.

Thank you to Mrs McManus, Mrs Simpson and Mrs Bushell for all their help selecting coaching and umpiring the teams. I would also like to thank Rhianna Ella Bautista for her help umpiring on the day.



PDSSSC Junior Basketball

On Friday 1 September, the OLMC Intermediate Basketball team competed at the PDSSSC Basketball Championships at the new Billbergia indoor centre at Camellia. The team consisted of Claire Giffney, Chloe D’Sa, Jemima Scothern, Stella Puletua, Lexi Elphinstone, Avleen Waraich, Lily Collimore and Rebecca Uy. The girls were sensational, winning all their round games to finish first in the pool. Unfortunately, after some dubious calls, the girls came agonisingly close but were defeated by Gilroy Catholic  College(who went on to win the event) and then again by St John XXIII to finish 4th overall. The girls should be extremely proud of their efforts as they all played some awesome games of basketball. It was one of the best results we’ve had.

Thank you to Mrs Simpson for all her help with team.




OLMC competed at the GWS Giants Amanda Farrugia Cup at Bankstown on 30 August. The team consisted of Jemima Scothern, Bronte Herberstein, Isabella Cotter, Grace Cini, Zoe McIntosh, Alex Simpson, Sofia Marancic, Ava Moses, Kasey Bolt, Mya Habib, Stella Puletua, Kiana Banza, Chloe D’Sa, Emily Sarmiento and Clare Scanlon. The girls were all so excited to compete and really enjoyed the experience of the day. Every game helped the girls to improve their skills and teamwork and they should be very proud of their efforts.


Thank you to Ms Connor and Mr Lee for their help with the team and of course to Ms Farrugia for all her hard work and expertise in preparing the girls for this event.

Snow Sport

Congratulations to Zali Lazarevic and Sophie Ball who compete at the SnowSports Interschool State Championships at Perisher on 22 August. The girls competed in the Snowboard Giant Slalom Teams event and finished 13th. Well done girls.



PDSSSC Athletics

OLMC Competed at the PDSSSC Athletics Championships on 28 August at SOPAC. The squad consisted of A'Isha Ali, Alexandra Attard, Kiana Banza, Lily Collimore, Irene Ding, Mia Er-Yucel, Lucie Francis, Claire Giffney, Amber Haywood, Lily Johnston, Amelia Johnston, Kyla Jones, Alisha Katafono, Sarah Kenna, Leah Kolosakas, Sophia Lees, Eleni Mestousis, Nadia Naresh, Maeve Nolan, Sofia Polson, Imaani Sivaganesan, Caterina Valore and Matilda Webb.

They performed extremely well with the following girls receiving medals on the day:

  • Senior Relay team (Lucie Francis, Leah Kolosakas, Sofia Polson and Eleni Mestousis) – silver medal
  • Nadia Naresh – silver medal, 12 Girls 1500m
  • Lucie Francis – gold medal,  17 Girls 1500m and 800m
  • Lily Collimore – bronze medal, 14 Girls Shot Put
  • Irene Ding - bronze medal, 12 Girls Long Jump
  • Amelia Johnston - silver medal, 13 Girls Long Jump
  • Claire Giffney - silver medal, 12-14yr 1500m walk
  • Matilda Webb - gold medal, 12-14yr 1500m walk (record) and 800m. Silver medal - 12-14yr 1500m.

Congratulations to Lucie Francis, Matilda Webb, Amelia Johnston and Leah Kolosakas who have qualified to compete at the NSWCCC Athletics Championships on 11 September at SOPAC. Good luck girls!

Thank you to Mrs Johnston for assisting on the day. 




Congratulations also to Lucie Francis who has been named in the NSW Triathlon U23 Development Squad for 2023/2024.


Cross Country

Congratulations to Lucie Francis who recently competed at the School Sport Australia Cross Country Championships in Canberra finishing 22nd - an awesome result. Well done Lucie!





Congratulations to Imogen Burns who placed first in the 12yrs and over 1500m Freestyle at NSW Senior State Age Short Course Swimming Championships last weekend.

Saturday Netball

All rounds have now finished at ERNA. Here are the final placings:

OLMC 1 – 8th

OLMC 2 – 6th

OLMC 3 – 8th

OLMC 4 – 5th

OLMC 5 – 2nd

OLMC 6 – 5th

OLMC 7 – 6th

Thank you to all the parents and supporters who came along each week to cheer on the girls. It was great to see such a crowd as well as seeing the girls continually improve over the season.

Congratulations to OLMC 5 who won their preliminary Final and will now play in the Grand Final on 9 September at 10am. Good luck Girls!

Stuart Guthrie
Sports Coordinator





Opening Hours

The Uniform Shop will be open Monday to Thursday mornings from 8.00am – 9.30am, and Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3.00pm – 4.00pm (school days only).  

Online purchases can be made via the Online Uniform Shop and all orders will be delivered to the Student Centre for collection by students.  

Scarves and Hair Ribbons 

Scarves and hair ribbons have arrived and are available for purchase either online or at the Uniform Shop. 

Previous stock for Sale

Black tights - In size Medium, $2


Just a reminder that all online orders are taken to the Student Centre for students to collect. 

If you have any concerns regarding uniform items, please don't hesitate to contact the Uniform Shop on 8838 1275 or uniformshop@olmc.nsw.edu.au



Picnic and Nature Treasure Hunt